by Alexander Schmidt | Apr 24, 2020 | Digital Transformation, Strategie
In the course of the Corona crisis, Schmidt Consulting supported various SMEs in the development of their digitisation strategy and its implementation. Consumer needs were evaluated according to their needs and integrated into the digitization strategy. In addition to...
by Alexander Schmidt | Apr 24, 2020 | Digitale Transformation, Strategie
Im Zuge der Coronakrise hat Schmidt Consulting diverse KMUs bei der Entwicklung ihrer Digitalisierungsstrategie und deren Umsetzung begleitet. Die Bedürfnisse der Konsumenten wurden bedarfsgerecht evaluiert und in die Digitalisierungsstrategie integriert. Neben...
by Alexander Schmidt | Apr 24, 2020 | Digital Transformation, viral campaign
Schmidt Consulting supports the young start-up company Sweet Peak St. Moritz in the digitization process. The 11-year-old Gioia Papani produces gift products for young people. 10% of the proceeds go to charitable organisations that support children in need. Schmidt...
by Alexander Schmidt | Okt 31, 2019 | Allgemein
Schmidt Consulting unterstützt das junge Start-up Sweet Peak St. Moritz bei der Digitalisierung. Die 11-jährige Gioia Papani produziert eigenhändig Geschenkprodukte für junge Menschen. 10% der Erlöse gehen an gemeinnützige Organisationen, welche Kinder in Not...
by Alexander Schmidt | Mai 3, 2019 | Digital Transformation, Strategie
Schmidt Consulting continues the path of digitization to develop and offer even better consulting services for digital transformation for our customers. In July 2018, a ten-day stay in Silicon Valley was on the program. Eighteen company visits were held to discuss...